A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo credit: SIBC.

A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo credit: SIBC.

A young man from Russell Islands, believed to be mentally ill, has been arrested for the double murder of his mother and sister.

Police at Yandina arrested him at Leru Village yesterday.

Police allege the murders happened last Friday in the evening in the village.

The young man had asked his sister to give him money to pay for credit for his phone and attacked his sister with a bush knife when she told him she did not have money to give him.

He also attacked his mother with the bush knife.

Both died from their injuries.

A post mortem has been done on their bodies and investigations are continuing.

Meanwhile, police have appealed to relatives of the victims, people and communities in and around Leru Village to assist in their investigation.

In Russell Islands, SIBC’s stringer Tome Kiki confirms police have arrested a young man in Leru Village on double murder charges.

“The killing incident happened when the suspect asked his sister for money to top up his mobile phone with some credit upon which his sister replied by saying she has no money. The suspect turned around and cut his sister on her shoulder and her head and later on cut his mother on the head as well. The mother and daughter died on the same spot. The suspect has been detained in the Yandina Police detention cell.”

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