13-year-old flood death caused by falling rock: Police

The body of the 13-year-old being retrieved on Sunday Source: Solomon Star

The 13-year-old who died during last week’s heavy floods in Honiara was hit in the head by a rock and swept away by flood waters, Police have revealed.

The cause of death came as Police Commissioner Matthew Varley warned the public to be more vigilant during times of bad weather.

Police revealed this week the girl was hit in the head by a falling rock near Tuvaruhu and swept away by flood waters of the Mataniko River.

She was found two days later in the Central Market area ad pulled up out of the water by members of the public.

Police have not yet revealed the identity of the 13-year-old but are expected to do so early next week.

Commissioner Varley said police had received multiple reports of near misses during the floods and encouraged the public to take precautions during times of heavy rain and bad weather to prevent incidents.

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