The Avu'avu airstrip. Photo credit: British Empire.

The Avu’avu airstrip. Photo credit: British Empire.

The reopening of Avu’avu airstrip on the Weather Coast of Guadalcanal is among top priority needs for the surrounding communities.

Concerned Haimarao resident Dominic Alebua says the Weather Coast people are in dire need to see Solomon Airline resume flight services to Avu’avu airstrip.

Mr. Alebua says emergency medical referral in this remote part of Guadalcanal has always been a challenge.

He explains, referrals from Avu’avu clinic have always been risky as the sick are transported for between six to eight hours to Honiara on risky open boats and rough seas.

Mr Alebua adds unlike other provincial airstrips forced to close because of land dispute, Avu’avu is free from land dispute.

He says the route would be economically viable given that the airstrip is surrounded by Avu’avu provincial secondary school, religious centers, an area health clinic and government organisations and representatives.

Mr Alebua is directly appealing to the Ministry responsible for Aviation and Guadalcanal province to listen to the wish of his people and ensure Avu’avu airstrip is reopened as soon as practicable.

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