Bring back the Development Bank, rural Solomon Islanders say.

Rural dwellers, such as this group in Savo Island, want the development bank to return

Rural dwellers across the county are throwing their weight behind the revival of the Development Bank of Solomon Islands (DBSI)

Director of Government Communications George Herming told SIBC in an interview yesterday.

Mr Herming is part of the cabinet sub-committee task force to revive DBSI, which is holding consultations in Western Province this week.

He said since task force consultations started last year in the provinces, there had been significant support for the revival of DBSI.

“It brings new hope for people wanting to borrow money,” he said.

Mr Herming said the task force would continue touring the provinces. He added once the current consultations were complete, a draft bill would be submitted to cabinet for further consultations before the bill was finalised and submitted to Parliament for approval.

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