Loading of building materials during the festive season.

About ten ships were detained during the festive season Operation Safe Boat.

Director of the Solomon Islands Maritime Authority Nerval Therry confirmed the ships were detained for non-compliance with the Operation Safe Boat rules and regulations.

Mr Therry said the ships were released while investigations into their alleged breach continued.

He said, responsible officers are likely to be suspended if they are proven to have breached rules and regulations that were enforced.

“So far it’s been a successful operation. But we still have problems that there are vessels that have been overloaded with excess passengers.

We have so far detained ten vessels and are investigating the nature of their detention and will suspend captains.”

Mr. Nerval called on ship operators to cooperate and respect the operation to avoid loss of lives during this festive season.

We all know that there are vessels meant for cargoes and others for passengers. These ship operators need to set priorities and let people know of and make sure they abide by the maritime rules.

Sadly, there are ship operators who know these rules and yet they ignore the maritime safety rules.”

Operation Safe Boat will end next week.

by Charley Piringi

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