Hon. Augustine Auga, the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development and MP for Lau and Baelelea. Photo credit: GCU.

Hon. Augustine Auga, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development and MP for Lau and Baelelea. Photo credit: GCU.

The Democratic Coalition for Change Government (DCCG) acknowledges the importance of land resource in the country.

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Augustine Auga made the statement to officially open a National Land Use Policy Workshop in Honiara today.

Minister Auga says because of the significance of our land resources, the DCC Government is committed to implementing its land reform policies to enable land development in Solomon Islands.

He adds the land reform policy is important to address possible abuse of land in the country.

“The DCC Government sees the importance of land and the land reforms must come about to enable development. As all may know that land use is a cross-cutting issue that should form part of the National Land Reform agenda. In other words, some aspect of land use must be factored into the Lands and Titles Act in order to provide guidance against abuse of land usage in the name of development.”

SIBC News understands the two days workshop is organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in partnership with the SWoCK/UNDP national office.

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