A packet of oral re-hydration salt cant treat diarrhoea. Photo credit: www.midwayusa.com

A packet of oral re-hydration salt cant treat diarrhoea. Photo credit: www.midwayusa.com

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has announced the current diarrhoea outbreak is now spreading to the provinces.

Since it was announced last November over 2,000 diarrhoea cases were attended to while six deaths were recorded.

Of the six, two cases were from Honiara and Guadalcanal while Western and Malaita province each recorded two cases.

Under Secretary Health Improvement of the Health Ministry, Dr Chris Becha told a media conference today the outbreak is now spreading to the provinces.

“I would like to inform the public and also to all of us that the current outbreak is spreading to other provinces. Apart from the initial recorded cases in Honiara City, Guadalcanal, Malaita and Western. Now we have cases recorded in Temotu, Choiseul province, Central Island province and Isabel province.”

But Dr Betcha says the ministry with its partners including the World Health Organisation and UNICEF are closely monitoring the situation, adding they are confident to stop the outbreak.

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