The High Court of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The High Court of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

High Court Judge, Justice Stephen Pallaras says families should start educating their children on sexual offence issues at an early age.

Justice Pallaras says educating each other on the rights of women and what is legally wrong is very important in tackling sexual offences in the country.

He told SIBC News, Solomon Islands like any other country with its own culture might be uncomfortable to discuss sexual or domestic offences openly.

But he says people have to get over that and start talking and educating each other, particularly on the rights of women.

He says failure to do so now, will be a high price for the country to pay.

“The cost of not talking about it and the price that the community will have to pay is that the next generation will think and do the same things. And that’s a price that’s just too high to pay. And despite the fact that it’s uncomfortable and difficult to speak about, there is a responsibility particularly for all those who’ve taken on the responsibility of parenting children to give them the best help that they can.”

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