Magistrates Court. Photo credit: SIBC.

Magistrates Court. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Gizo Magistrate Court is currently the second busiest court next to the Honiara Court but has very little chance of expansion because there is no land space available.

Speaking during the legal year opening early this week, Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer says the land where the Gizo Courthouse is located, is now hemmed in by the Gizo hospital and other provincial Government offices.

Chief Justice Palmer says any repair and refurbishment of the Court building will only be up to a certain size and scale but will not be able to cope with the increasing number of cases that come through the courts in the Western District.

He advised the Provincial Government of Western Province and Commissioner of lands to reserve and preserve land for Government institutions.

“I would like to make a call to the Provincial Government and the Commissioner of lands to reserve and preserve land for Government institutions and other national interests and not given away. The Commissioner of Land’s office must have a national and provincial plan to cater for such development needs. It is frustrating to have to find suitable land and to have to go out into the open market to find land for our Court houses etc.

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