Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

                                              Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly has met with Officials from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) during an extra ordinary Assembly last Friday.

A statement by the Guadalcanal Province Communication Unit said the team briefed the Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly on UNDP’s program the ‘Immediate Support for Peace Transition’ (ISPT).

The team consisted of Angus Wandi and Matthew Nesham from UNDP, Masi Lomaloma Assistance Special Coordinator (RAMSI) and Reuben Lilo from the Ministry of National Unity Reconciliation and Peace.

The team’s presentation said ISPT is a UN program dealing mainly with Peace building which focuses on ensuring sustainability and stability of peace in Solomon Islands.

The statement said the key area with ISPT program is its localization with a local initiative to be home grown and working with local governments, institutions, groups, and communities.

Meanwhile, Premier Anthony Veke thanked the team for taking time out to explain the ISPT program.

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