Health Permanent Secretary Dr Lester Ross. Photo credit: Pioa.

Health Permanent Secretary Dr Lester Ross. Photo credit: Pioa.

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services and its donor partners are working around the clock to address health related effects of the recent flash flooding in the country.

In a Media Health Promotion Forum today, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Dr Lester Ross admits, challenges of the recent flash flooding are the first of its kind faced by the Health Ministry.

Dr Ross adds, the important sector has achieved a lot in the past few weeks and collaborating with the National Disaster Management Office to address greater challenges moving forward.

“The Ministry of Health with its partners we are trying to address the effects of this and so far lot of things has happened and a lot more needs to be done and the Ministry of Health as you know is an important sector in whole of government structure and we are all doing things in response to what NDMO, which is the key Ministry that is the overall control of any disaster in addressing the challenges that we have faced.”

The Media Health Promotion Forum is to create a better flow of information between the Ministry of Health and the public through the media in times of disaster.

SIBC News will cover more of today’s forum in its later bulletins.

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