The Embassy of Japan in Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Embassy of Japan in Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida have sent condolence messages to Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo and Foreign Minister Clay Forau Soalaoi.

The messages expressed their sincere condolences to the people and Government of Solomon Islands for the great loss suffered from last week’s flash floods and wishes for rapid recovery in the affected areas.

Japan’s Ambassador to Solomon Islands, Satoshi Nakajima also expressed his sincere heartfelt condolences and shared his deepest sympathy with the families and people of Solomon Islands who had been badly affected by the disaster.

Meanwhile, Japan has pledged 1-million Solomon dollars to the National Government’s call for Emergency Assistance.

The Government requested donor partners for assistance following the devastation and tragedies caused by last week’s flash floods.

In a statement, Japan’s Ambassador and ChargĂ© d’ Affaires, Satoshi Nakajima announced, responding to the request made by the Solomon Islands Government for Emergency Assistance, the Japanese Government decided to give 13 million Japanese yen, approximately 1 million Solomon dollars to Solomon Islands.

The emergency grant assistance will be administered through JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency.

The relief assistance comprises of blankets, water purifiers and portable jerry cans to assist the relief efforts being carried out by the Government of Solomon Islands and other relief agencies.

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