The newly opened fuel depot. Photo credit:

The newly opened fuel depot. Photo credit:

The Guadalcanal Plains Resource Development Company Limited (GPRDCL) has officially opened a joint fuel depot with the South Pacific Oil.

Chair of the GPRDCL Mr Eliam Tangirongo describes this as a new investment chapter for the partnership.

“It is a new chapter for us the Guadalcanal Plains Resources Development Company Limited. I said this because not one of us has any experience in this type of business, we became part of SPO following an invitation from South Pacific Oil Limited, which is also owned by NPF. So really, this is a partnership of companies owned by people. If we look at SP Oil and NPF, it belongs to the members of NPF and for us, we GPRDCL are landowners at the Guadalcanal plains.”

He says this is achieved after two years of negotiation and planning.

Mr Tangirongo says, this is the second asset owned by the GPRDCL – Tanuli Royal Plains Motel being the first.

He assures, with very basic experience and knowledge on operating businesses, the Guadalcanal Plains Development Company is determined to break into new business opportunities going forward.

Meanwhile, the Guadalcanal Provincial Premier Hon Bartholomew Vavanga encourage the GPRDCL to continue with its investment plans.

Premier Vavanga reminds the GPRDCL Board of Management to ensure people’s money and resources are safe and allow to grow.

He encourages the five tribes of the Guadalcanal Plains to open more land for investment.

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