The Honiara City Council's main office in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Flickr.

The Honiara City Council’s main office in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Flickr.

Clerk to the Honiara City Council, Charles Kelly says he will remain with the council as his newly announced posts overseas are only voluntary.

Mr Kelly, who is President of the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association, has been elected into the Regional Executive Committee for East and South East Asia and the Pacific in Malaysia – a body which deals with regional family and population issues.

He has also been elected to be a member of the Governance Council of the International Planned Parenthood Federation in London, United Kingdom – an organization which deals with family and population issues worldwide.

Freelancer George Atkin reports, Mr Kelly explained both executive posts are voluntary, therefore he will remain in Honiara.

He says he will travel abroad only when meetings arise in London, Asia and the Pacific.

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