GRML mine facility. Photo credit: NA Finance.

GRML mine facility. Photo credit: NA Finance.

The Gold Ridge Landowners Association is calling for calm in Gold Ridge communities, as Saint Barbara officially confirms to landowners it is suspending its mining operations.

Angry Gold ridge landowners had gathered in large numbers at the Gold Ridge market this morning, following earlier media reports that Saint Barbara was pulling out of the Gold Ridge operations.

At a media conference this afternoon, Chair of the Gold Ridge Land Owners Association Dick Douglas appealed to people of the Gold Ridge Community to protect properties at the mine site.

“It is important that we feel an ownership of the project as we take the initiative of looking after our assets because we hosted the national project and I would like to appeal to my good people that you treat the site as your own.”

Mr Douglas adds, Gold Ridge communities should look after the property to give a positive image for them and to attract investors.

“To prove ourselves that we are good people and good citizens of Solomon Islands. We need to prove ourselves that we can do it, we can look after our own assets, so that we can attract new investors into the country and so that our name in the region will be a credit to the Solomon Islands Government and people of the country, especially regarding such an important project.”

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