A 130 Queen Bees had been imported from Western Australia in 2014. Photo: Courtesy of SIBC.

A 130 Queen Bees had been imported from Western Australia in 2014. Photo: Courtesy of SIBC.

Up to 60 people have been trained in beekeeping at a workshop held in the North Malaita region over the past few weeks.

Entitled “How to turn your backyard into a diamond field,” the workshop was conducted by two officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

SIBC’s North Malaita stringer John Andrew Kiri reports, increased interest from more local bee farmers in the region caused two officials to stay on in North Malaita to conduct further workshops.

“Sixty interested farmers altogether have attended the workshop. The two resource personals, Steward Polycarp and Erick Oiga should have returned to Honiara last Sunday after the two workshops last week, but will continue to stay for a few more weeks due to mounting interests from interested provincial members, farmers and individuals have requested them to remain and facilitate a few more sessions before returning to Honiara.”

The two workshop facilitators are currently conducting sessions at Folotana, West Baelelea in North Malaita.

SIBC News understands over 60 people in North Malaita have benefited from the Government beekeeping training.

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