A blood unit. Photo credit:

A blood unit. Photo credit:

Authorities of the National Blood Bank at the National Referral Hospital have acknowledged that the current set up of the country’s national blood programme is inadequate and ineffective.

This has resulted in the ongoing blood shortage at the blood bank, failing to meet the constant demand for blood supply at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara.

Blood Bank Manager, Donald Tahani told SIBC News this is a key challenge.


“One of the key challenge we realised in the long run is the actual setup of the blood programme. Currently, it’s a very small setup so it’s not working for the current increasing demand for blood in the Solomon Islands.”

Meanwhile, Mr Tahani said the Ministry of Health and Medical Services is working on a new blood policy programme for the country.

This was initiated to address the ongoing blood shortage at the hospital’s blood bank.

He says the Health Executive is now working on the policy before submitting it for possible Cabinet approval.

“So as we speak, a policy is on the pipeline, national blood policy is on the pipeline with the Ministry of Health Executive and it will go into a Cabinet paper to be approved and once approved, it will mean the totally new formation of a national blood service.”

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