Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo says the central objective of the National Coalition for Rural Advancement, NCRA, Government is to develop and implement policies and reforms to advance human and economic development for the people of Solomon Islands.

Speaking in this morning’s National Leaders Prayer Breakfast, Prime Minister Lilo says in all its policies, NCRA pursues Integrity in leadership as its paramount goal.

Mr Lilo says the theme: ‘Integrity in Leadership’ represents the core emphasis of his government.

He adds, NCRA’s leadership model translated into policies is inline with this theme.

“These policies and reforms include Companies and Business laws reforms, State-owned Enterprise reforms, Public Financial Management reforms, reforms to the Police, Correctional Services and Judicial systems, all point to the demand for greater accountability within the machinery of government. And in addition to other reforms such as the  ongoing reforms in our extractive industries, the mining, forestry, fisheries and land laws and most recently the passage of the Political Parties Integrity Act.”

Prime Minister Lilo believes, these policies represent NCRA’s insistence on ‘Integrity in Leadership’.

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