New free clean water for Gilbert and Aekafo communities


Gilbert, Aekafo and surrounding communities in east Honiara are now enjoying free clean water from a newly constructed water source facility, thanks to the Community Access and Urban Services Enhancement (CAUSE) Project for recognising the need.

The new facility was handed over to the communities yesterday afternoon with an official opening. 


Cutting of ribbon

The construction of the dam-like water source facility was funded by CAUSE through its project  to improve basic infrastructure and services for vulnerable urban populations in targeted urban centers in the country. 

The construction of the project cost around $SBD250,000. 

Project Manager Chris Afable said this is the first time they have constructed such a facility under the CAUSE project in Solomon Islands. 

“This is a timely project as we are in the Covid-19 situation, and water and sanitation are really important in preventing the spread of the virus. Take good care of your new facility,” he said.

He told hundreds of members of the communities who gathered to witness the official opening ceremony that they are willing to help should the communities need assistance on by-laws or regulations.

The new water facility came with concrete laundry benches. However, the water source is not for drinking. 

Community representative Robert Mismark expressed his appreciation to CAUSE .

The new water facility

“Thank you very much CAUSE Project Office for making our dream come true.  The water source is a blessing to the surrounding communities, such as April Hill, Won Hill, Gilbert 1 and Aekafo communities,” Mr Mismark said. 

He said the water source project is timely due to the fact that it is funded during this period of Covid-19.

 “It sets limitation in terms of cash flow which the community at large itself finds difficult to access finance,” said Mismark. 

He said access to water is not only a basic need to mankind but a necessity to sustain all forms of life in the world. 

He commended Gilbert and Aekafo communities for their patience during the construction of the project.

Children enjoying the new water source facility

The funding of the project is in line with the development objectives of the Community Access and CAUSE Project for Solomon Islands to improve basic infrastructure and services for targeted vulnerable urban populations.

The programme specifically focused on addressing basic human needs which includes water supply, health, basic education, vocational training and rural infrastructure.

by Jared Koli

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