Acting Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Maelanga. Photo credit: GCU.

Acting Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Maelanga. Photo credit: GCU.

Acting Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga says providing adequate health services is the NCRA Government’s priority and that the Government wants to make sure all citizens in the country have access to health services.

The Acting Prime Minister made the statement in Munda, Western Province when handing over 2-million dollars to the Helena Goldie Hospital.

He said the country faced many challenges in the health sector, but the Government is still committed to providing better health service for its people.

Established in the late 1960s by the Wesley United Church, the Helena Goldie Hospital is one of the oldest health services provider’s in the country.

Mr Maelanga said the two million dollars is to support services the hospital provides and further strengthen the work of the Hospital.

Meanwhile, Supervising Superintendent of the Helena Goldie Hospital Dr Jane Long Bottom said the donation shows the commitment and care that Government have for the health sector and for its people.

Dr Jane also described the donation as ‘timely’, given the vast challenges the hospital faces.

She also assured the Acting Prime Minister, the funds will be utilized properly to better improve health services.

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