Rape suspect charged with murder

Police commisioner Matthew Varley.

Police have transferred the man accused of raping and killing a 12 year old girl in Tikopia Island last week to the Rove correctional Service custody in Honiara.

The incident occurred last Thursday , where the was allegedly raped and her body was found floating in a lake near her village the next day, to which the case was then reported to Police

The Police patrol boat was dispatched to Tikopia on Saturday where the suspect was apprehended.

Police Commissioner Matthew Varley said the suspect was charged with murder and was likely to face other charges.

He said the Patrol boat was also transporting other key witnesses and was expected to arrive in the capital tomorrow morning.

” Obviously this is a sad and tragic incident where a young girl’s life has been gruesomely and tragically taken away,” he said.

“The rate of violence against women and girls in this country is abhorrent and needs to stop, we will do everything in our power to continue investigate, chase down and prosecute  those who would destroy womens and girls lives in this way.”

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