Deputy Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga. Photo credit: SIBC.

Deputy Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga. Photo credit: SIBC.

Damage caused to police assets can slow police responses to reported incidents, said the Deputy Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga recently.

Speaking to the local media last Thursday, Mrs. Matanga said a number of police vehicles have suffered damage from rock throwing adding, this is not helpful.

She explains, deployment especially around Honiara have been difficult at times due to limited resources like vehicles.

“There are difficult times for the police especially when deploying officers on the ground in different locations with limited resources and also when people do not respect our vehicles. Vehicles are very expensive assets and for the people to continue and inflict damage on them will also reduce police responses to issues raised to its attention.”

The Deputy Police Commissioner urges rock throwers to respect police vehicles and consult properly if there is need to understand police work.

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