Same sex marriage cannot populate the world, the Governor General says.


Governor General, Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui. Photo: RSIPF.

Solomon Islands ought to be aware of what is going on around us on the issue of same sex marriage or homosexuality.

Governor General Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui flagged the issue of same sex marriage during his speech marking Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second’s 92nd birthday today.

The queen’s country representative, Sir Frank said the issue of same sex marriage is coming and Solomon Islands must be prepared to deal with it.

He said, today, gay and lesbian rights were creeping into schools in some countries. Some religion embrace it.

Paraphrasing his research on same sex marriage, Sir Frank said being gay or homosexual is not the issue. Practicing it in private or openly with universal acceptance is the issue today.

He said, Solomon Islands Penal Code is clearly against same sex marriage.

Sir Frank said, with the changing times and the onslaught of homosexual promotion, the question for Solomon Islands was whether or not we would continue to maintain our current position or instead change our position and be like others.

“Our challenge is to continue to remain steadfast against this onslaught, the international lesbian and gay advocates are steadfastly chipping at the edge with the hope that they change the world and accept same sex marriage, ” he said.

” Our Present criminal law, is against same sex marriage, sections 160, 161 and 162 of our penal code are the relevant prohibitions against same sex marriage, and associated conduct.”

He said promoting same sex marriage is like changing the law of gravity by legislation.

Sir Frank said same sex union cannot populate the world.



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