Solomon Islands 40th Independence celebrations begin today

Home Affairs Minister Hon. Commins Mewa at the launch.


The country’s 40th Independence celebrations begin today following a launching this morning.

The launch was to set the country on celebration mode ahead of the actual event a month from today.

Minister for Home Affairs Commins Mewa launched the Independence Anniversary celebration at SIBC’s Vale Luma this morning.

“It is now my pleasure, my honor and privilege to declare that the anniversary celebrations for 40 years nationhood shall now begin.”

Minister Mewa said the theme “Redirecting our Nation at 40” was a call for our young and energetic population to stand up and join the elders in the communities, churches, the private sector and the government to play their role in ensuring that Solomon Islands grows stronger given that as a nation, we have come of age at 40 years.

“We should be proud to be Solomon Islanders” he said. “There is a saying that says life begins at forty.”

The organizing committee

The launching program included the announcement of winners for the festival’s logo competition and theme song.

Fred Oge a local artist won the logo competition and well-known singer Jonathan Auna’s song ‘Raise our flag’ was chosen as the theme song.

Mr Oge explained at the ceremony what he designed on the logo.

“The two figures on the logo represent Solomon Islands citizens holding their hands together to build unity, peace and prosperity.

“The ten stars represent all the provinces including Honiara and the traditional pattern represent the diverse culture of Solomon Islands that connect people together as one nation” he said.

“And the sail of the flag represents a new direction of Solomon Islands building towards the future.”

Mr Auna who left the country this morning said one word stood out for him from the official theme while he was composing his song.

“The word was journey, how we have traveled from independence until now. In my mind i saw a road. And as you follow the road you will across a lot of things.

“I tried to capture that picture in my song.”

The Solomon Islands Independence celebration this year will fall on July 6th as 7th July is a Saturday.

By: Fredrick Kusu. 


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