Save the Children is helping the Guadalcanal Province with relief efforts. Photo credit: Save The Children.

Save the Children is helping the Guadalcanal Province with relief efforts. Photo credit: Save The Children.

Save the Children is currently assisting the Guadalcanal Provincial Emergency Operation Centre with relief supply distribution and the assessment of damages in Guadalcanal Province.

Food distribution to evacuation centers and affected areas on Guadalcanal have started over the weekend, and is continuing.

A media statement from Save the Children said they have been taking part in assessing affected areas in East and West Guadalcanal.

It said assessments in Tandai and Malango wards have been completed while assessments in other affected areas are continuing, the results of which will be referred to NDMO and multi-agency groups to inform relief distribution.

The NGO last week handed over non-food items such as tarpaulins, jerry cans, blankets, children’s kits as well as household and kitchen kits to the Provincial Emergency Operation Centre.

Staff of Save the Children also helped the Guadalcanal Educational Authority’s efforts to deploy assessment teams to affected Guadalcanal schools that are currently accessible.

Meanwhile, an Australian medical team providing support to Save the Children is currently assisting the Ministry of Health and Guadalcanal Health Division authorities with health assessments and medical assistance in East Guadalcanal.

As part of the multi-agency coordination with NDMO, Red Cross, Oxfam, World Vision and Save the Children distributed non-food items to evacuation centers in Honiara.

As of April 8, the NDMO estimated that 52-thousand people have been affected by the recent flash floods – 12-thousand in Honiara city and 40-thousand on Guadalcanal.

NDMO also reported 21deaths and 9-thousand 4-hundred people currently housed in evacuation centers in the capital.

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