SIDT has recently celebrated its 29th birthday this year. Photo credit:Community Media Solomons.

SIDT has recently celebrated its 29th birthday this year. Photo credit:Community Media Solomons.

The Solomon Islands Development Trust, SIDT has launched a Voter Awareness Project to empower people to participate in a meaningful way in this year’s National General elections.

The project will involve drama, radio and the newspapers to assist delivering the project’s messages throughout the country.

SIDT Chairlady Ella Kahue says the project covers four main areas including allowing SIDT and its partners to work together, empowering people to vote, and enabling men women and youths to actively participate in the electoral process using unbiased media resources and medium.

“Information that will come through the different types of medium I’ve mentioned today will be able to promote people’s activeness to participate in the process of election and voting in a way that they are not being forced but their voices, especially the vulnerable groups like women and youth, their voices in the electoral process which can be channeled through to various media forms and stream where we can hear their voice.”

Ms Kahue says the project will begin soon.

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