NDMO Director Loti Yates. Photo credit: GCU.

NDMO Director Loti Yates. Photo credit: GCU.

Director of the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) Loti Yates has advised people affected by the current dry season to always take precautionary measures.

Mr. Yates told SIBC’s ‘Distaem Nao’ program today, already some places in the country are challenged with water shortage so it is very important that people must take appropriate steps to look after themselves.

“If we receive rain then as much as possible store what you can be able to store and if there is no rain, but you having to resort to water from open streams or wells that you’re not really sure about its cleanliness or boiling it before drinking. Already we are challenged with water shortage and if we add onto it with our carelessness, adding another problem onto that, you know, you’ll just add in on something to make life even harder for you.”

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