Teams are in coordination to address Livelihood and Camp Management: Premier Manetiva
Premier of Central Province Stanley Manetiva today assures the people of Central Province that the Provincial Disaster Committee (PDC), the Police and Health Teams are in coordination to address Livelihood and Camp Management matters in the province.
In a statement to SIBC News, Premier Manetiva says since the province reported positive Covid-19 cases, the Emergency Zone has been extended to include Central Province.
He says, the Police and Health Teams are working tirelessly around the clock to address social and health clinical issues in the province.
“The Province is addressing those issues, the Ontong Java outbreak has caught all of us by surprise as we just came out of the festive seasons and mass movement of people is the highest virus carrier.
“However, our Provincial Team despite a failed medical hospital project are trying their best to accommodate the isolation site – we have identified and entered into understanding with Matai Moana Accommodation, Women Resource Center and Island Lodge Accommodation as the Provincial Field Isolation for sick patients with COVID-19,” the Premier says.
He adds, the province through PDC is recommending a separate field hospital for seriously ill COVID-19 Patients, and they are currently converting the Sports Multi Complex into one.
On matters of food supplies and arrangements, the Premier advises that LC Adi Waitui has been cleared by Health and Solomon Islands Maritime Authority.
“Right now we are just waiting for formalities by the office of Commissioner of Police to Grant Ships Exemption Approval Certificate.
“So good people of Gela, Savo and Russells if you have goods and supplies for families at home, do pay freight and deliver to Douglas Logistics Warehouse Ranadi.
“Or you can deliver directly to the ship at Point Cruz Wharf and pay freight with the Clerk at Ship. Do note that only those with proper PPE will be allowed at the ship and only those fully vaccinated. Do observe usual health protocols,” he states.
On the Vaccination Roll Out – the Premier says Russell Islands is being rolled out now since last week – Savo and Gela will be by this week once the team is tested and cleared for 3 days.
“May I remind my good people throughout the islands to stay put and do not move – people move virus moves. These 2 important numbers should be at hand: Police Operations Centre – 32117 and Provincial Health Operations Center 32003 should you have any advice on Livelihood matters or you will be further directed,” Mr Manetiva says.
He adds, as the Prime Minister stated in his nation wide addresses the primary strategy is home Isolation if you suspect to have been or been exposed to a hotspot area.
“May I also remind all our village Covid-19 committees set up during the preparedness phase to have an isolation house for the village – see the PCO or CPC or village Covid-19 chair for advice.
“It is advisable that if a person is sick and critical – there is no medicine to cure that virus, home steam lemon tea is highly encouraged to ease the symptoms,” he advised.
In the event of death, the Premier reiterated Prime Minister’s statement to disregard all customary practices and only 5 people to do the burial.
“Do not allow people from infected areas to enter your community – if there is contact then Isolate to your designated areas.
“No person is to leave or enter Honiara Emergency Zone by ship or boat at all times – Honiara is under regulation for ships and boats NOT to leave or enter unless authorised by Authorities in Honiara
“I understand my people are still accessing west Guadalcanal and east Guadalcanal by boat – this is a risky business and you are likely to take in the virus back to your village house and children – please refrain from doing this as the vaccination roll out is not yet completed.”
He says the strategy now is vaccination roll out, contact tracing to run concurrently
“My team at the Provincial Administration under the Provincial Disaster framework is working on a local economic strategy to keep the local economy alive and afloat – so I am encouraging my farmers to start cleaning up your coconut plantations for copra, cocoa and fishermen – once the strategy is completed we will announce it when funding is available for this initiative for our farmers,” he says.
He remind his people not to panic and do the right thing as stated by the Health Authorities and Oversight Committees.
Start planting our local food gardens of pana, cassava, taro, kumara, cabbage and vegetable,” Manetiva says.