The Wogasia Spear Fighting Festival, in pictures


Can you see me? Just one of the amazing pictures of the festival. Pictures: Peter Lothian

Is one of the more amazing cultural celebrations in the Solomon Islands.

Every year, on the island of Santa Catalina, locals celebrate the lunar new year with the festival of Wogasia. It is more commonly known as: The Spear Fighting Festival.

Hundreds of spear fighters face each other on the shallows of the sea and hurl a spear as far as they can throw it as a sign of the ending of tensions and the beginning of a peaceful new year.

A friend of SIBC was at the festival, which took place over the weekend, and took these amazing pictures.

A man hurls a spear into the water


A tribal man in action


Children listen to an elder


A close up


Another action shot


A close up of one of the children in traditional dress




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