Malaita Provincial Police Commander Alfred Uiga. Photo credit: SIBC.

Malaita Provincial Police Commander Alfred Uiga. Photo credit: SIBC.

Two men lost their lives early Thursday morning after a traffic accident on Durukau hill between Fouambu clinic and Kakara village in Malaita Province.

Provincial Police Commander Malaita Alfred Uiga says the accident was caused by a mechanical fault to the vehicle as it was travelling up the hill.

The vehicle was carrying timber and passengers from North Malaita toAuki.

“On the way on that vehicle to Auki, it didn’t manage to reach the top of the hill. And from there it slid back and, as a result, it swayed to the side of the road and the vehicle fell there, and the timbers fell over the other two passengers and they died instantly. Incident happened in the early hours of Thursday morning.”

The Provincial Police Commander says Police in Malu’u is following the incident.

Meanwhile, he warns vehicle owners in the region to check their vehicles’ road worthiness.

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