U.S Ambassador Catherine Ebert-Gray. Photo credit: US Embassy PNG.

U.S Ambassador Catherine Ebert-Gray. Photo credit: US Embassy PNG.

The U.S. Ambassador to Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea Her Excellency Catherine Ebert-Grey said US President Barak Obama believes climate change is the biggest risk globally, therefore, pledge to continue investing in different climate change initiatives.

Her Excellency Grey says the USA continues to invest in climate change and adaptation programs.

Mrs. Ebert-Grey outlines other programs that the USA is currently undertaking in Solomon Islands.

“We are also looking at forestry utilisation, I understand there’s a Forestry Utilisation Act and I think that’s a good place for Solomon Islanders to look at. We’re helping people find markets for their goods in the United States, I think that there’s potential there and we’re building capacity to manage peoples’ trafficking, you know, you do have a problem here. We continue to support regional security, we do disaster assistance and of course the tuna treaty.”

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