Girl Summit 2014 poster. Photo credit: UK Government.

Girl Summit 2014 poster. Photo credit: UK Government.

The British High Commission in Solomon Islands has officially marked the 2014 Girl Summit event in Honiara, and has called on Solomon Islands to show solidarity and support to issues the UK is facing.

At a reception last night, British High Commissioner Dominic Meiklejohn said the UK Government and UNICEF are hosting the Girl Summit in London to deal with issues of forced child and early marriage, and female genital mutilation.

“These are very difficult issues which have begun to impact my country. They are not indigenous to my country, they do not belong to our culture as we understand it. But they have in recent years become prevalent in some parts of our communities. Over a hundred thousand women in the UK live with consequences of female genital mutilation.”

The British High Commissioner further stated, the UK Girl Summit demonstrates UK’s seriousness in tackling the issue in their own country, and stopping these practices worldwide.

Dominic Meiklejohn also called on Solomon Islands as a fellow Commonwealth member, to show solidarity and support to the UK and the issues it is facing.

“Today we are talking about a problem that affects my country. And what I wanted to do today was to show that you can help us as a fellow Commonwealth member by showing your solidarity and your support for the things that we have to face. Because, thankfully Solomon Islands at least does not have a problem, or a major problem with the issues that we’re discussing in London.”

Last night’s event ended with lighting of candles, and writing of pledges in support of the 2014 Girls Summit.

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