48 new cases sad & unfortunate: Opposition Leader


LEADER of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale has described the recent announcement of 48 new COVID-19 cases by the Prime Minister this afternoon as ‘sad and unfortunate’.

Opposition Leader Matthew Wale

Mr Wale said this is the highest number of cases recorded in the last 24hrs and it is a serious concern for the country.

“I am equally saddened by the news and I pray and hope our good Lord will help us overcome this,” he said.

The Opposition Leader also urged citizens in the country to remain calm and listen to sound advice from authorities.

Mr Wale said now that the country is faced with the challenge of community transmission in Honiara; it is everyone’s responsibility to look after themselves and their families.

He said the increased number of cases in the last 24hrs will also come with many challenges and one imminent one is the lack of beds at the isolation centre at the Central Field Hospital.

“I understand there are only 56 beds at the central field hospital. An increased number of cases in the coming days will be a major setback and I urge the Government to swiftly address immediately,” he said.

The Opposition Leader said the Government should by now inform the public of their response plans within the next few days so that people are well informed and are prepared.

Mr Wale also supported calls for people to get vaccinated.

“It’s never too late to get vaccinated to help protect yourself, your families and loved ones,” he said.

The Leader of Opposition also acknowledged the hardworking frontliners for their continuous commitment and hard work.

“This will be the real challenge for out frontliners. But we must continue to pray and support them and their families as they continue to serve our people and our country during this time,” he said.

Mr Wale said the government also need to be mindful of the mental and physical health of frontliners.

“Increase in cases means there will be increased workload and fatigue among other challenges must be addressed as well,” he said.

-Opposition Press

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