A busy day for traffic in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: SIBC.

A busy day for traffic in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: SIBC.

The new Infrastructure Management Bill 2014 will ensure that infrastructure in the country is properly managed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, says the Ministry’s Under Secretary Technical.

Jimmy Nuake told SIBC News in a recent interview, the new Bill will also clarify the different powers that exist to manage infrastructure in the country.

“It will also clarify the different powers, responsibilities and functions in terms of operational powers, management powers and administrative powers as well as regulatory powers, so this new law clearly specify and define the processes and systems for each of these different levels of management”.

The Under Secretary also said, the new Bill will also introduce the National Building Code.

He says this document will replace the draft National Building Code document, now almost 20 years old.

“It’s been in draft for almost 20 years and there is no law that could enable us to enact or give us powers to prosecute under the Building Code, so at least with this new Bill it will assist the Ministry to be able to enforce the Building Code and also help us to update and review it”.

SIBC News understands the Ministry of Infrastructure Development hopes to get the new Infrastructure Management Bill to Parliament this year.

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