Solomon Water General Manager Richard Austin. Photo credit: Richard Austin's Facebook page.

Solomon Water General Manager Richard Austin. Photo credit: Richard Austin’s Facebook page.

State Owned Enterprise Solomon Water says Honiara residents will experience water shortages as only 20 percent of its water reservoirs are being used.

Solomon Water General Manager Richard Austin told members of the local media today at Solomon Water Head office in Honiara.

He says one of the main problems they face right now is the effect of the recent bad weather on their pipeline systems.

“One of the main problems that we’re facing now is that effect the storms had on our pipeline system, our transmission system or pipes for transmitting water from the sources into the supplying lines and in some areas the pipes have been damaged and along considerable lengths and the locations of damage are actually quite difficult because they’re remote, requiring everything to be hand- carried in and difficult working conditions and repairs are going to take sometime and at this moment we cannot say quite how long.”

But the General Manager says as of last night they now manage to operate up to 45 percent of their water system and hopefully with the rest operational as the weather improves.

He adds, customer services will be provided at the Hyundai Mall for the time being as their office at the Commonwealth Street is temporarily closed due to flooding.

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