A stop HIV sign. Photo credit: Outlive your life.

A stop HIV sign. Photo credit: Outlive your life.

More women than men are living with HIV in Solomon Islands, says the 2014 Solomon Islands Global Aids Response Report.

According to the report, eleven women, and three men have been diagnosed with HIV.

The report however said the true scale of HIV in the community is considered to be significantly higher.

The report found social and cultural norms, including gender inequality and high rates of gender-based violence, contribute to women and girls’ risk and vulnerability to infection.

The report adds these issues also contribute to barriers in access to HIV services, including testing.

The report was prepared by the national HIV and STI Unit and the Solomon Islands National AIDS Council, and give the most current available information on the HIV/AIDS epidemic and response for 2013.

Meanwhile in its recommendations, the 2014 Solomon Islands Global Aids Response Report says advocacy efforts should be increased to actively address the fear and stigma associated with HIV and AIDS, at all levels of society.

The report stated that the country’s leadership is not sufficiently proactive in championing the HIV response and this is one major challenge of the Government’s HIV/AIDS Response efforts.

The report also stated that Stronger advocacy by top political, community and religious leaders is critical.

Another of the report’s recommendation on advocacy efforts is, to support political, community and religious leaders to visibly champion the response to HIV.

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