A map of Rennell Island. Photo credit: Fernandocandido.

A map of Rennell Island. Photo credit: Fernandocandido.

The West Rennell Resource Owners Association has appealed to a government lands officer to delay a public hearing that will be held in Rennell tomorrow.

Association Chairman Jonathan Tohuika said the hearing needs to be delayed because a number of landowners are currently in Honiara.

A new mining company called  Solomon Mining Limited wants to operate in West Rennell and Mr Tohuika says landowners are concerned about the acquisition process.

“Our number one concern is the acquisition process where I think was never touched on, for example, the 90 days notice that was supposed to be pinned up. As far as I know there are no notices pinned up in Rennell or here in Honiara and that most landowners affected by this acquisition process are residing in Honiara. The second concern is on the map that was supposed to identify the areas that will be registered.”

The Solomon Mining Limited has already had some Memorandum of Understanding signed between some of the West Rennell Landowners late last year.

The Company has been operating in Solomon Islands for the past two years and is co-owned by an American and British National in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of the Solomon Mining Limited Vivian Hulshoff  says the public hearing will go ahead tomorrow in Rennell to allow landowners to discuss their issues.

Ms Hulshoff told SIBC News the mining company has complied with all legal procedures according to Solomon Islands laws.
She says nineteen landowners have signed a Memorandum of understanding with the company.

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