A Solomon Post advertisement. Photo: Courtesy of Solomon Post.

A Solomon Post advertisement. Photo: Courtesy of Solomon Post.

Solomon Post customers in Malaita Province are concerned that the SOE has stopped its services in the province.

SIBC Stringer John Andrew Kiri reports a Frances Fiumea says there is no posting service since early last month after the Postal Office was closed.

“The Post Office  closure has caused concern from its users of beneficiaries in Malaita Province as  whole. Just in February the Bita’ama Community High School Chairperson Mr. Francis Fiuomea went down to Auki purposely to check at the Post office, expecting letters from education authorities, but only to find that it was closed for an indefinite period of time.”

John Kiri also reports Solomon Post customers in the province would like to see the Postal Office resume operating.

“People, individuals, organisations, business houses and institutions who have paid for the service to function in terms of providing them postal services wants the service to resume if possible within a week or two,” reports Mr. Kiri.

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