Ren-bel province celebrates 25th Anniversary


Papa dancers performing at the celebrations

Prime Minister Rick Houenipwela has highlighted some significant achievements of Ren-bel province as the province commemorated the 25th anniversary of its Second Appointed day over the weekend.

Congratulating the Province, Prime Minister Houenipwela said a draft report shows most of the provinces have met the minimum conditions and requirements for the Provincial Capacity Development Fund.

He said this was an encouraging development.

“A formal report on the assessment will be released very soon. And disbursement will be done within the next couple of months. In this regard let me thank you honorable Premier for your leadership and the commitment of your staff in ensuring that Ren-bel province continues to be one of the shinning lights in ensuring you qualify for this year’s assessment”, he said.

“I am sure under your good leadership and stewardship this excellent outcome will be maintained in the years ahead.”

Mr Hou acknowledged Ren-bel’s potential investments with Lake Tengano as a tourism industry and the preservation of its ecosystem.

The province he said, also made progress in the mining sector.

“Suffice to say the exploitation of natural resources can actually be of a great benefit not only to the local economy but also to the national economy of our country.

“That said encourage the good people of Rennell and Bellona to take ownership of their resources and to ensure they are well managed for our future generations.”

Ren-bel Premier Collin Singamoana welcoming the Prime Minister at the ceremonial grounds.

The Prime Minister noted that preparatory work is underway for the construction of Ren-bel province’s administrative office and assembly chamber.

He assured the people of Ren-bel of the national government’s continuous support towards the four million dollar project.

“I am informed this project will cost the national government about four million dollars. I urge the province to work closely with its partners to ensure the completion of this very important project”, he said.

“This project truly signifies the commitment of the national government so please be assured that we will continue to provide what is required for the infrastructure needs of this kind.”

Meanwhile, Premier of Ren-bel province Collin Singamoana called for a ‘serious review’ into the entire process involved in pertaining the West Rennell bauxite mining project.

Mr Singamoana said the review will allow the people of West Rennell to initiate necessary measures to correct past anomalies in the process.

Mr Singamoana said addressing these issues at this point, will prevent social and economic risks to the lives and future of the West Rennell people.

“I wish to call on cooperative efforts between the national government and the Rennell and Bellona provincial government to jointly plan, secure the necessary assistance from donor partners and investors to develop the mining project on West Renell to become a source of hope for the people of West Rennell,” he said.

“The province and the Solomon Islands as a nation , there needs to be cooperation between all stakeholders to ensure that there is an honest review of the entire project.”

Mr Singamoana said the review must be based on a view to integrate the mining project with the need to formulate and implement a well structured plan which would accommodate the development aspirations of the land owners and the province.




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